Caregiver: Leslie Centeno
She’s caring for: Her father
Winner of: Veteran Caregiver Award
Leslie Centeno has been caring for her disabled veteran father, who struggles with PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and various physical health issues, ever since her mother passed away over a decade ago.
Her father depends on Leslie for every aspect of his life. He’s unable to walk, confined to the house, and trusts only her.
She shares: “I’ve had to put my life on hold for the past 13 years to care for him. “My priority has always been my father. I always said my life can begin when his life ends, and I continue to live by that commitment.”
“When my mother passed away, I took on the responsibility of caring for my father because a nursing home was never an option for us,” she explains. “I’ve always believed that caring for family at home is the best way to provide love and dignity, no matter the hardship.”
Her caregiving duties are extensive, from administering medication, to cooking and cleaning, bathing, and dressing him. She is also responsible for his finances and must keep detailed records of his expenses. “I’m held accountable for his finances and do all the accounting at the end of the year to show where his money goes,” she explains. “He requires round-the-clock care, and I can’t work outside the home because of it.”
In July 2022, her own health took a sudden turn. “I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I underwent several surgeries,” she shares. “During this time, I still took care of my father, and even now, I’m going through the reconstruction phase. But I continue to care for him. I’ve put my health and life on hold to ensure my father is well taken care of. Do I regret it? No. I’ll do anything for him.”
She says: Knowing that I’m the one he trusts, and that I’m providing the care he needs, gives me a sense of purpose.
Leslie’s story exemplifies the sacrifices that caregivers make every day, often without recognition or support. Her devotion to her father, despite the many challenges she faces, is an inspiring example of the love and resilience that caregivers embody.
Congratulations, Leslie!