Many people struggle with skin irritation or skin rashes, whether they are from harsh weather, poison ivy, psoriasis, eczema, friction from clothing or guards (contact dermatitis), or from washing hands more than usual. Luckily, this is where the best skin rash products come in.
A great skin care moisturizer, containing medication or not, can not only aid your dry and irritated skin, but it can also help you prevent skin dryness, to begin with. If you or a loved one are using incontinence products and experiencing discomfort from rashes or rubbing, there are plenty of gentle and soothing products that can be applied to help make you more comfortable. Everyone is different, but luckily we have plenty of great skin-soothing products to choose from.
Don't know if you need help? The following products can help with eczema, allergies, skin inflammation, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, and more.
Best Budget
Gentell A&D Ointment
Gentell A&D Ointment is a great budget option for a no-frills solution to skin rashes. Gentell’s formula is a soothing topical treatment containing Vitamin A and D and will leave your skin feeling smooth and irritation-free without breaking the bank.
Recommended use:
Diaper rashes
Dry skin conditions
Minor burns
Poison Ivy
Hear it from a caregiver
"I am very pleased with this product. It keeps my Mom’s skin looking healthy."
- Charlene M.
Best to Pair with Incontinence Products
Selan Skin Protectant
Selan Skin Protectant is a greaseless and fast-absorbing lotion that won’t leave behind the usual sticky, white residue normally associated with zinc oxide products. Selan is great to use with incontinence products because it will not impede the absorption of urine in diapers and disposable briefs, and can be used as additional protection from incontinence, wound exudates, and perspiration.
Treatment and Prevention of:
Most Versatile
Aquaphor Advanced Therapy Moisturizer
Aquaphor Advanced Therapy Hand and Body Moisturizer is a great product if you suffer from face and body dry skin and itching. Aquaphor is a well-known brand that provides a consistently gentle lotion free of fragrance. Aquaphor is not as much of a budget product but is long-lasting and very versatile.
Recommended Use:
Daily use for specially dry elbows, heels, and hands
Minor burns
Cracked, dry, and damaged Skin
Diaper rash
Best for Daily Use
Desitin Daily Defense Cream
Desitin Daily Defense Cream is a smooth and creamy moisturizer that’s sensitive enough for daily use. Desitin is easy to apply and wipe off, aids with dryness, and prevents rashes and irritation. The gentle yet powerful formula works to seal out moisture to protect your skin and help prevent unpleasant and irritating friction. This Daily Defense Cream is fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, and dermatologist tested.
Recommended Use:
Relieves and prevents diaper rash
Protects and treats chafed skin
Treats irritated and dry skin
Use daily to maintain smooth skin
Best for Those With Diabetes
Gold Bond Diabetics Dry Skin Relief
Gold Bond Diabetics Dry Skin Relief is a product designed specifically with diabetics in mind. Diabetes can cause dry, rough, and uncomfortable skin. This product includes intensive moisturizing ingredients to help combat skin irritation that comes with diabetes. Gold Bond Diabetics’ Dry Skin Relief will relieve discomfort as well as help protect the skin from future irritations.
Hear it from a caregiver
"Purchased this for my 80yr old Pops to help his dry cracking feet and within 1 week they are back to being soft"
- Debra W.
Other recommended products:
sunmark Hydrocortisone Cream is great for temporary itch relief associated with inflammation, rashes due to eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, insect bites, poison ivy, and more.
Though Benadryl is typically known as being an antihistamine, Benadryl also has an Extra Strength Itch Stopping Cream temporarily relieves pain and itching associated with insect bites, minor burns, sunburn, and rashes due to poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac.
Have more questions about our skin rash products? Please reach out to our friendly Caregiving Specialists by calling (800) 696-CARE or sending an email to Our lines are open 24/7!