Caregiver: Karen Yingling
Who she’s caring for: Her mother, her five children, and dozens of home nursing clients
Winner of: The Caregiver of the Year Award
Caregiving As a Calling
Karen Yingling began caregiving more than 20 years ago when her mom was first diagnosed with dementia. What began as a mild cognitive impairment, quickly progressed to Alzheimer’s disease, inspiring Karen to selflessly step in and support both of her parents.
In 2016, Karen’s dad was diagnosed with lung cancer, which increased her responsibilities significantly. When he passed away a few months later, Karen became her Mom’s full-time caregiver, all while raising five of her children, the youngest of whom is now seven.
“[Karen] hasn’t had more than a couple of days break in all these years to take a vacation,” Yingling’s older sister, Lori says. “To recharge, she does the grocery shopping, prescription pickups, food prep –– which now has to be blended –– bed sore prevention, laundry, doctor’s appointments, etc.”
Before becoming a full-time family caregiver, Karen worked at a professional home nursing agency. “It sounds cliche to say, but it wasn’t just a job for Karen,” Lori says. “She became attached to each and every client that she took care of. Many of the folks she cared for insisted that she be the only one to come back and take care of them because they felt the love that she was giving them.”
A Promise Kept
After Karen’s mom was diagnosed with dementia, she begged the family to never put her in a nursing facility. Karen has made significant sacrifices to ensure this promise is fulfilled.
“Karen is the most selfless person I’ve ever known,” her big sister, Lori says. “She’s spent a large portion of her life caring for the elderly and less fortunate. She deserves the world. And, I know there will be a special place in heaven someday for my dear, sweet little sister.”
Caregiver of the Year
We’re thrilled to name Karen the recipient of the 2024 Caregiver of the Year Award. Her unwavering dedication, even in the face of challenges, exemplifies the kindness, compassion, and selflessness Carewell hopes to foster. Despite the hardships of Alzheimer’s disease, she continues to do everything she can to make her Mom’s life special.
“Alzheimer’s is such a slow, cruel disease,” Lori says. “Of course, the greatest rewards I think come at times like when she feeds mom one of her favorite meals or gives her a sip of Pepsi and Mom sighs with a satisfied reaction to what she’s giving her. These moments mean the world to her.”
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