Caregiver Burnout: You Are Not Alone

Written by Carewell on Wed May 31 2023.

Caregiver Burnout: You Are Not Alone

May was all about self-empowerment and prioritizing your own needs as a caregiver. We know mental health conversations aren’t always the easiest, but thank you for joining us as we heard about real caregivers’ burnout experiences and how they overcame them. 

We hope you walked away understanding how important your mental health is and that putting yourself first is never selfish. As fierce caregiver advocates, we’re always here to support you on your care journey. 

If you’d like to look back on anything we shared throughout the month, below is a recap of our Mental Health Awareness Month resources. 

Family Caregivers: Burnout in Their Own Words

During the month, real caregivers shared their experiences with burnout and how they navigated their way to a healthier reality. 

Ty Lewis 

Caring for her mother with dementia, spoke about her mental health journey as a caregiver and how she overcame burnout.

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “My advice would just be to take it moment by moment. You can only do what you can.”

Chris Punsalan

Chris began caring for his grandmother eight years ago. As a millennial caregiver, he shared the unique challenges he has faced and how he stays mindful while prioritizing his own mental health.

  • Watch his video here

  • His advice: “Make a schedule and stick to it. I promise you the routine, and just knowing exactly where you’re going to be at what time brings so much peace of mind.”

Alma Valencia

For Alma, who cares for her mom, flowers and food delivery from friends made all the difference as she worked to get her mom back on schedule after an accident.

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “I have to realize how I’m sleeping, how I’m eating, and how I’m carrying myself throughout the day.”

Ashley Stevens

Ashley has been a family and professional caregiver. She shared her vast experience and how setting boundaries helped her avoid caregiver burnout. 

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “One helpful tip to avoid burnout is to develop a support network.”

Carlos Olivas

Carlos has cared for his dad for eight years, and caregiver burnout made him feel isolated and alone. 

  • Watch his video here

  • His advice: “Keep routines and communications with your friends and family. Build a circle of support that can provide levity and comfort along your journey.”

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth is part of the sandwich generation and found herself raising her kids while caring for her parents.  

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “As caregivers, we have to try things that we think might make us feel more energized and give us peace of mind.”

Theresa Wilbanks

When her self-care activities still weren’t helping, Theresa had to dig deep to figure out what she needed to overcome burnout. 

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “Identify those things that really connect us with ourselves. It can be spending time in nature, listening to music.”

Jacquelyn Revere

For Jacquelyn, asking for help was one way she was able to combat caregiver burnout. 

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “[Make] sure your social, mental, emotional, and physical needs are met.”

Kris McCabe

Hear how Kris leaned on friends and family to deal with her emotions while experiencing caregiver burnout. 

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “Maybe you can’t take a vacation or get someone to watch your loved one. But you can find those moments of joy every day.”

Patti LaFleur

Patti has been a caregiver three different times and is no stranger to burnout. 

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “Find a routine or schedule that allows for you to support your loved one. I know that caregiving can often be unpredictable.”

Michelle Seitzer

For Michelle, a caregiver for her daughter and a former professional caregiver, burnout completely altered her personality, and she had to dig deep to get back to her regular self. 

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “I have to reach out for help… so I can do something with friends for the evening or just go to bed early, or do a project that makes me happy and refuels me.”

Jessica Guthrie

Jessica has been a caregiver for her mom with Alzheimer’s for the last eight years and felt like she was living in a perpetual state of burnout without even realizing it. 

  • Watch her video here

  • Her advice: “I learned to speak up and ask for help to get what I need so I wouldn’t have to be on this journey… alone.”

Rewatch Our Instagram Live

If you missed our “Burnout and Boundaries” live event hosted by Jacquelyn Revere and Lady Bevel, click on the image below to watch it. This insightful discussion covered the important aspects of caregiver burnout and provided tips on preventing and managing it. Whether you’re a caregiver or just feeling burnt out, this live session is worth watching. 

Helpful Reads

We also shared a few articles to help caregivers learn how to cope with burnout. 

Mental Health Resources

Talking about your mental health and burnout isn’t always the easiest, but it’s an important part of the healing process. Below are free resources that provide judgment-free support and counseling.


211 (866-728-8445 toll-free | 2-1-1) 211 is a free 24-hour, telephone-based service that connects callers with local health and human service agencies offering support with food, housing, employment, health care, crisis counseling, and other needs.

AARP Community Connections

AARP Community Connections is a new website that offers steps to get or give help. You can organize online mutual aid groups to stay connected, share ideas, and support those in need.

Family Caregiver Alliance


The Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) offers services to support caregivers, including care planning, direct care skills, wellness programs, respite services, and legal/financial consultation vouchers.

988 Mental Health Lifeline - Mental Health Chat

The Lifeline provides 24-hour, confidential support to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Call or text 988 to connect with a trained crisis counselor. 

National Alliance on Mental Illness

NAMI provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.

Crisis Text Line

Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime. Crisis Text Line is here for any crisis. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds, all from our secure online platform. The volunteer Crisis Counselor will help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment.

Suicide Prevention Line 

If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

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