Caregiver: Carol B.
She’s caring for: Her friend, Sylvia M.
Best tip for other caregivers: Others will notice your acts of selflessness - and appreciate you more than you know.
Best Friends Forever
When Sylvia Meyers became housebound six years ago, her outgoing friend of 45-plus years, Carol B., put everything on hold to provide the best possible care. Carol’s first order of business? She invited Sylvia to live in her home so she wouldn’t need to stay at a nursing facility.
Since then, Carol has helped her friend by cooking her meals, providing transportation, doing the shopping, and ensuring Sylvia has her medications. She also gave Sylvia the support she needed after her brother’s passing.
“Her calendar schedule is completely made around my needs,” Sylvia shares. “Carol is the most selfless person I know.”
Committed To Making A Difference
In addition to helping Sylvia, Carol remains active as a volunteer at their local library. She serves on the board and stays busy with their activities. Carol also is a member of the Wellsville (N.Y.) Business & Professional Women’s Club. The organization raises money for the local hospital and provides food and clothing for families in need.
A Purposeful Change Of Pace
Carol and Sylvia love to travel, though their cross-country adventures to see friends all over the U.S. have taken a back seat. Sylvia says she feels Carol must miss this so much. She describes Carol as a godsend and, at seven years her junior, as someone who is giving up a lot to care for her.
“She is the ultimate friend. I feel so blessed!” Sylvia says.
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