How to Manage Incontinence in the Workplace Like a Boss

Written by Jessie on Wed Dec 02 2020.

How to Manage Incontinence in the Workplace Like a Boss

Dealing with an overactive bladder is never fun, but when you’re in the workplace, managing “gotta go now” moments—not to mention the use of incontinence aids ranging from adult diapers to booster pads—can be especially frustrating. Whether you’re constantly fighting the urge to run to the restroom or worried about an episode on a Zoom call, the following tips will help you take control of your bladder rather than letting your bladder control you.

1. Start timing your voids.

Many urologists and incontinence experts recommend practicing what’s known as “timed voiding.” Timed voiding is simply scheduling your bathroom breaks based on the clock rather than on your urge to go. Instead of waiting until you feel the need to go after three or four hours, visit the bathroom every two hours, whether you have to go or not.

2. Avoid the water cooler (or the coffee pot).

When you’re trying to manage your incontinence, try not to overdo it on liquids. While you definitely still want to stay hydrated, limit trips to the office watering hole during peak work hours. Avoiding coffee is also a good idea, because it’s a diuretic and can irritate the bladder. We’re not encouraging you to skip liquids altogether—just find a healthy balance.

3. Dress for success.

Darker clothing can help disguise small accidents and loose slacks or dresses can help camouflage an incontinence product, whether it’s a pull-up diaper or a diaper with tabs, so dress in a way that will keep your condition under wraps. It can also be helpful to keep a change of clothes on hand, just in case. Just try to keep your backup outfit similar to the one you’re currently wearing so it’s not obvious if you do have to change.

4. Take advantage of the products on the market.

It may feel like you’re the only one who suffers from incontinence, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Millions of people in the U.S. live with overactive bladder conditions. It’s no surprise, then, that there are plenty of products on the market today, ranging from bladder control pads to overnight diapers for adults, that are designed to make managing incontinence at work easy and convenient. Try a few out and see which solution works best for you. While shopping, keep these tips in mind so you don’t fall prey to the five common mistakes people make when shopping for adult diapers.

5. Consider confiding in your boss.

If your bladder issues at work are becoming noticeable, you may want to give your boss a heads-up about the situation to stay ahead of the problem and avoid an even more uncomfortable conversation down the road. Let your boss know that you’re actively working to manage your condition and explain what that means (e.g. having to leave your desk to go to the bathroom every hour or two).

With everything else on your plate at work, the last thing you need to do is worry about bladder control issues. By taking the steps above, you can proactively manage your symptoms and prepare for the unexpected like a pro.

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