National Women's Health Week - Meet Christina

Jessie Ary

Written by Jessie Ary on Thu May 12 2022.

National Women's Health Week - Meet Christina

At Carewell, we are proud to recognize this week as National Women’s Health Week. In the United States, over two-thirds of caregivers are women according to Mothers are caregivers for their children throughout their lives, and daughters are often the primary caregivers for parents as they age. We received countless entries recognizing female caregivers for our Caregiver of the Year Award, and we were blown away by the number of women who have committed their lives to providing care for their children, parents, siblings, and friends. This week, we want to highlight one particular woman who serves as a life-long caregiver for her daughter.

Meet Christina S., a caregiver and mother who has devoted her life to caring for her disabled daughter. Christina has faced hardships throughout her caregiving journey, but it is her love for her daughter that keeps her going. 

“I stay home caring for my 28 year old disabled special needs daughter. I am a very strong-willed person, and I try to figure out how to make my daughter’s life the best it can be.  After 3 years of doctors visits when she was a child, I finally was told that I would be my daughter’s lifelong caregiver. Every day is dedicated to caring for my daughter; she always comes first. I am and will always be her mother and caregiver.”

Christina, we thank you for all of your hard work as a full-time and life-long caregiver. We are touched by your story and we’re honored to share your journey with our caregiving community.

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Jessie Ary

Jessie Ary is Carewell's Content Coordinator. When Jessie isn't writing for Carewell, she spends her time attempting to climb rocks and traveling throughout the country with her cat, Carrot.