What to Know About Feeding
Feeding is so important for babies - they have smaller stomachs, requiring more frequent mealtimes. If they don't eat often, they can become hungry and irritable, and that can be stressful for babies and caregivers alike! No matter how many feeding times happen in a day, each time is an opportunity to not only ensure that your baby is getting the nutrients needed for growth and development, but also to give parents a chance to bond with their baby. It is a time to cuddle and interact with each other – an important part of development for both baby and parent.
Whether feeding is done through breast milk, formula, or solid foods, we offer products a caregiver needs to make those mealtime experiences a success.
- Baby & Junior Beverages includes supplements and ready-to-use drinks to support growth and development.
- Baby & Junior Formula consists of nutritious food for infants and toddlers to provide nutrients to help with growth and development.
- Breastfeeding products include nipple cream, breast shields, nursing pads, and breastmilk feeding sets as well as breast pumps and accessories.
- Baby Food Storage, Bibs, Burp Cloths & Accessories consists of products for breast milk storage and cooler sets, as well as cleaning soaps to removes stubborn breast milk residue.
- Bottles & Nipples include bottles and nipples specifically designed for breastfeeding along with breast pumps, and milk bottle spare parts.
How to Choose Baby Formula
Regarding choosing a formula, we understand that different babies have different formula needs.
Some things to take into consideration are:
- Type of formula (cow's milk-based, soy-based, etc.),
- Baby's age and health needs
- Any potential allergies.
Be sure to read the labels on formulas to compare nutrition content and choose a product that is within your budget.
Still need assistance? We are happy to help. Our Caregiving Specialists are available 24/7 at 855-855-1666!
What items do you need for breastfeeding?
There are a few products that can make breastfeeding easier and more comfortable for both you and your baby. For starters, a good nursing pillow can help position your baby correctly at the breast. Breast pads can help absorb leaks and keep your clothing dry, and a good nursing bra can help support your breasts and make nursing easier.
What is a benefit to Twist Breast Milk Storage Pouches?
With a Twist Breast Milk Storage pouch, you can pump, store, organize, warm, and feed using the same pouch.
Do I need to sterilize baby bottles after each use?
Before first time use, it is recommended to sterilize nipples and bottles in hot water for 5 minutes.
After that, you won't have to sanitize your baby's bottles and supplies every time he or she feeds. Just wash bottles and nipples in hot, soapy water (or in the dishwasher).
How should I safely store infant feeding systems?
To help prevent germs and mildew from forming, allow clean feeding utensils, bottle brushes, and wash basins to air-dry thoroughly before storing. Once the objects are totally dry, reassemble them and store them in a clean, safe spot to avoid contamination.
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
- Assemble clean, dry bottle parts.
- Store in clean, safe location, such as within a closed kitchen cabinet that is only used to store clean dishes.
How long can a bottle be kept at room temperature?
Discard any prepared or ready-to-feed formula that has been sitting out for 2 hours or longer, or within 1 hour of the start of feeding.
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