Nutricia UCD Anamix Junior LQ Oral Supplement, Vanilla Flavor, 14 oz. 1 Each
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Providing adequate nutrition for infants and babies can come in all shapes and sizes. Many parents will opt out of breastfeeding for a number of reasons like:
For those that are not choosing to or are unable to breastfeed, baby formula is important because it is a nutritious food for infants, which helps them to grow and develop properly. Baby formula can help to:
To help you meet your baby's nutritional needs, we offer formulas that come in pouches, cartons, or powders. Some popular types of baby formula are:
Regarding choosing a formula, we understand that different babies have different formula needs. Some tips on choosing baby formula include considering the type of formula (cow's milk-based, soy-based, etc.), the baby's age and health needs, and any potential allergies. It is also important to read the labels on formulas to compare nutrition content and choose a product that is within your budget.
Still need assistance? We are happy to help. Our Caregiving Specialists are available 24/7 at 855-855-1666!
There is no formula that is exactly like breastmilk, but there are formulas that are designed to be as close to breastmilk as possible. These formulas typically have a higher protein and fat content than regular formulas, and they may also contain added nutrients like DHA and ARA that are found in breastmilk.
Baby formula is important because it is a nutritious food for infants, which helps them to grow and develop properly.
Yes. It’s complete nutrition for fussiness, gas, or mild spit-up.
Yes. We carry brands such as Enfamil, which offer hypoallergenic infant formula powder with iron that is designed for the ever-changing needs of older infants & toddlers (ages 9 to 36 months). This formula provides the nutrition your growing baby needs for healthy development, while helping to provide relief from colic due to cow’s milk allergy.
PediaSure is suitable for kids with lactose intolerance, but does contain milk protein and should be avoided for children with cow’s milk allergies.
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