Teleflex Pocket Aerosol Chamber

By Teleflex


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Short Description

  • Antistatic valved holding chambers
  • InspiraLert audible signal
  • 1-way valve and exhalation port

About Teleflex Pocket Aerosol Chamber

The InspiraChamber Antistatic Valved Holding Chamber improves medication delivery from metered-dose inhalers (MDIs). Its antistatic design suspends medication particles, allowing for deeper inhalation and better lung deposition. The InspiraLert audible signal guides optimal breathing, and a one-way valve directs exhaled medication away. It's compatible with most pMDIs.

Key Benefits & Features

  • Antistatic valved holding chambers (VHC) help medication reach the lungs easily with less deposit in back of mouth.
  • The pocket chamber incorporates a unique one-way valve between the patient mouthpiece and the chamber body.
  • This highly sensitive, four-leafed silicone valve opens easily and provides little resistance to airflow while preventing patients from inadvertently blowing medication out of the back of the chamber.
  • Drug delivery is further enhanced by the anti-static quality of the chamber, a feature that minimizes drug adherence to chamber wall and increases the treatment’s effectiveness.
  • Built-in whistle alarm helps optimize inspiratory rate.
Manufacturer Medline
Specifications MDI, Small, 4 Leafed Silicone Valve

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