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  • Massage, lengthen and stretch the muscles and fascia in the foot, toes and arches to prevent and deliver relief from sore or tired feet, heel pain and plantar fasciitis.
  • Simple solution for runners, walkers, cyclists and many other athletes to maintain conditioning in the foot to support better athletic performance and decreased pain during exercise.
  • Freeze the Foot Roller to create a cryotherapy pain relief experience better than a frozen water bottle lacrosse ball, or golf ball to massage and rehab sore and tired feet, use before and after exercise to prevent and treat foot pain, heel pain and plantar fasciitis.
  • Easy to clean, slip resistant, won't scratch floors, made with natural latex material and hollow core so Roller flexes to conform to the shape of any sized foot for relaxing self massage.
  • Combine TheraBand Foot Roller with a cooling topical pain reliever like Biofreeze to provide lasting pain relief without the use of over the counter or prescription pain killers.

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